Papers written by P R Mann (formerly Curator of Road Transport, Science Museum, London, UK, 1978-1993) on museological issues, primarily concerning the sectioning, restoring and operating of museum objects.
"Working Exhibits and the Destruction of Evidence in the Science Museum". The International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship. Vol 8, No 4, pp369-387, December 1989. [Synopsis published as "Destroying Evidence for the Public Benefit" in Science and Industry Curator's Group Newsletter. No5, pp 2-5, November 1989, London; also in Association of British Transport and Engineering Museums Newsletter No 2, pp 4-7, December 1989.]
"The Implications of Using Museum Vehicles". In: World Forum of Motor Museums - The Way Ahead - Papers from the first World Forum for Motor Museums held at the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu, United Kingdom, 6th-10th November 1989. Editor Diana Zeuner, World Forum for Motor Museums, 1990, pp 22-34.
"Making the Wheels Go Round".
Science and Industry Curators Group Newsletter
No 9, pp 1-8, May1991. A condensed version of paper read at Ironbridge
Institute/ SICG seminar "Back to the Machine Hall",
Science Museum, London, 5 November 1990.
Paper co-authored and presented with Sandra Bicknell (then Interpretation Officer, Science Museum, London). "A Picture of Visitors for Exhibition Developers". Paper read at the 1992 Visitor Studies Conference, St Louis, Missouri, USA, 23-27 June 1992 (annual conference of Visitor Studies Association, POBox 1111, Jacksonville, Alabama, 36265, USA).
Three papers commissioned by the
Museums and
Galleries Commission, London,
UK under the general title of "Defining a Nationally Important
Stage 1 - A Preliminary Research Paper, 13 June 1994. Paper defines
"nationally important", surveys related work already
carried out, produces scheme for assessing whether objects are
of national importance.
Stage 2 - Report on Stage 2, 5 September 1994. Paper reports on
trying out the proposed assessment scheme on a small sample of
horse-drawn carriages.
Stage 3 - Final Report, 31 October 1994. Paper reviews the criteria
and processes developed during Stages 1&2, presents and discusses
results of the survey of 106 horse-drawn carriages in four museums,
discusses the implications of introducing such a scheme for identifying
objects of national importance.
"The Restoration of Vehicles for Use in Research, Exhibition, and Demonstration". In: Restoration: Is it Acceptable? Editor Andrew Oddy, British Museum Occasional Paper No 99, Department of Conservation, British Museum, 1994, pp 131-138. [Papers from symposium of the same name at British Museum 25 November 1994.]